Friday, January 21, 2011

Who doesn't love Halloween?

Well, i'm sure there are lots of people who don't... It's a rhetorical question! But i certainly do! I have a nice little collection of Halloween folk art mostly. But i love vintage Halloween! Too bad it's so outrageously expensive! So maybe i'll just do some paintings in that theme instead! To make it an affordable way to have 'vintage' decor!

I also love the Day of the Dead... Dia de los Muertos.  Not Halloween per say, because it's on Nov 2nd (a combo of the Catholic holidays of All Saints' Day [Nov 1st] and All Souls' Day [Nov 2nd], but... close enough! I must get down to Mexico (or another country that celebrates this holiday), for this celebration! Man, it would be the highlight of my year!

I don't have any pics of my collection (yet), but wanted to post at least something! So these are just a few random pics i nabbed off of the internet temporarily.. just to see how pics will look in this template.

In the end... Halloween is just about letting loose, dressing up and having fun.. nothing else....

So... here's to Year Round Halloween! WwwwoooOOOOOOooooooo! :-O